Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Zogby: Americans Support Clean Energy, Green Jobs, and Expect Senators Support.

If you are among the cynical Americans that either do not believe climate change is real or think we are too far gone, today is not your day. Zogby International announced the results of a recent poll that found 71% of Americans, a solid majority, believe in the basic premises of the American Clean Energy and Security Act.

That is, they believe that our nation should invest in and require:

1) 20% by 2020: power companies must generate 20% of their energy from clean and renewable sources.

2) Reduction of green house gases (CO2) by 17%.

3) Energy efficiency standards for appliances and building codes to encourage conservation.

Additionally, Americans are not being fooled by false advertising on the high costs and job losses and instead are quite positive about a clean energy future.
"two-thirds (68%) of likely voters believe a new American energy policy will not result in job losses, with a majority believing such efforts could instead bring about job growth."

"Fifty-four percent believe the Senate should take action on the bill because "we need a new energy plan right now that invests in American, renewable energy sources like wind and solar, in order to create clean energy jobs, address global warming and reduce our dependency on foreign oil."

All of this should not be suprising if you consider the realities that hard working Americans face in their communities. They are seeing friends and familiy losing their jobs, losing their houses, losing their benefits, and losing a that oppurtunity a decent life. They voted for an America that is a sustainable place in which they can get a job, buy a house, and raise their family. A clean energy economy would ensure that.

Call 1-877-9-REPOWER to share YOUR views on clean energy and green jobs with YOUR senators.

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