Friday, July 31, 2009

West Chester Office Opens to Enthusiastic Crowd

West Chester Office Opening: 7.30.09
Originally uploaded by Repower PA

West Chester, PA - The Southeastern office of Repower America opened its doors on Thursday to an enthusiastic group of more than 60 well-wishers who turned out to find out more about getting involved in Repower Pennsylvania's work. Attendees discussed the benefits of turning America's efforts towards a new, clean energy economy.

"Everyone I spoke to at the office opening wanted to know one thing: how can they get involved?" said State Director Michael Fedor.

Field Coordinators Laura Vendetta and Dan Dueholm worked the crowd, recruited volunteers to host green BBQs, participate in phone banks, and be part of a major mobilization that will begin in Pennsylvania on August 10.

The West Chester office is located at 203 S High Street, West Chester, PA. Office Hours and contact information for the office are forthcoming. in the meantime, email or send us a message on facebook if you wish to get involved.

Councilman hopes to officially welcome Repower to Pittsburgh on Monday

Originally uploaded by Repower PA

City Councilman Patrick Dowd will introduce a resolution on Monday officially welcoming The Alliance for Climate Protection and the Repower America campaign to the City of Pittsburgh. State Director Michael Fedor and Pittsburgh Field Coordinators will attend the Monday City Council meeting at 10:00 am to be present for the presentation of the resolution.

"We are thrilled to be welcomed to the City of Pittsburgh and encouraged to reach out to the residents of the city to talk about a new energy future for America," said State Director Michael Fedor. "Pittsburgh is a wonderful city and could become ground zero for the new energy economy when Congress finally establishes a national energy and climate policy."

More than 70 people turned out to Repower America's Pittsburgh office opening on July 28. A major grassroots organizing campaign kicks off in the state on August 10.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

At 2 Cents a Gallon, Climate Bill Is a Bargain

To paraphrase Joe Lieberman; it is imperative that Congress and the American public think long term in regards to energy security and climate protection. We could not agree more.

The Climate Security Act, which Senator Lieberman is a sponsor of, would "cap carbon dioxide emissions on smokestacks and tailpipes and allow companies to trade credits so long as pollution remains below the cap", effectively reducing our carbon footprint and encourage clean industry.

Critics say this piece of legislation would raise the cost of energy for consumers and support Bush-era policies of negotiating with countries like Saudi Arabia to increase their oil supply, keeping prices low.

What is wrong with this short-term strategy?

1) It ignores that the world's oil supply is rapidly decreasing and high prices are unavoidable.
2) It means we will continue to buy oil overseas which reduces our national security.
3) It keeps us from investing in industries that are clean, green, and would create millions of jobs.

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Seeing is Believing: The Ten Best Jobs for the Next Decade

The question on everybody's mind is what are the jobs of the future that are going to bring us out of the economic crisis ? What do they look like? Will they be in the areas that I live in? Will I be able to feed my family, pay my mortgage, and save some money for retirement?

Anya Kamenetz, a staff writer for Mansueto Ventures addresses those concerns in detail in here column "The Ten Best Jobs for the Next Decade".

Massive investments in clean energy promise to keep farmers, urban planners, and green-tech entrepreneurs in business for the next decade. This guide to sustainability focused career paths will help solar-charge your work life.

From the East Coast to the West the answer is clear: our future is good paying and green jobs.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Repower America Pittsburgh Office Opening 008

Repower America Pittsburgh Office Opening 008
Originally uploaded by Repower PA

THANK YOU to the more than 70 people who turned out last night at our Pittsburgh office opening (and the 27 or so others who wished they could come but sent their regrets). We were so pleased to see so many people turn out on a warm (muggy) Tuesday night in Lawrenceville.

Our first night was powerful - we heard from the Lauren Horne of the Blue-Green Alliance, State Senator Jim Ferlo (D), Pittsburgh City Councilman Patrick Dowd (D) - all of whom welcomed us to Pittsburgh.

After a call to action from State Director Michael Fedor, volunteers got to work pledging their support for clean energy, declaring their energy independence, and signing letters to the editor to the local papers in support of a new, clean energy future for America.

Become a fan of REPOWER AMERICA - PENNSYLVANIA on Facebook or come back soon for more information on upcoming events.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Senate Ag Committe has role to play in climate debate

In her article in Monday's New York Times, Allison Winter explores the role of the U.S. Senate's Agriculture Committee in shaping the climate debate - particularly its version of the legislation passed in June by the House of Represenatatives.

Winter reports:
Harkin and other senators on the Agriculture Committee have said they want to ensure any effort at wide-ranging climate legislation in the Senate will include all of the provisions that House Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) brokered for the House cap-and-trade bill.

Ag Committee Schedule: The hearing is Wednesday, July 22, at 1 p.m. in 325 Russell.

Witnesses: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack; EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson; John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology; Roger Johnson, president of National Farmers Union; Bob Stallman, president of American Farm Bureau Federation; and Jo Pierce, a family tree farmer from Maine, representing the Forest Climate Working Group.

Committee Members:

Chairman Harkin
Tom Harkin, (D-IA)
Ranking Member Chambliss
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Ranking Member
Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont
Richard G. Lugar, Indiana
Kent Conrad, North Dakota
Thad Cochran, Mississippi
Max Baucus, Montana
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Debbie Stabenow, Michigan
Mike Johanns, Nebraska*
E. Benjamin Nelson, Nebraska
Charles Grassley, Iowa
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
John Thune, South Dakota
Robert Casey, Jr., Pennsylvania
Republican Leader Designee TBD
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota

Michael Bennet, Colorado*

Kirsten Gillibrand, New York*

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Crossing 100 on Facebook

The Repower American Pennsylvania page on Facebook just passed 100 fans. Our Facebook page is a great place to learn of upcoming events, post links, comment on stories, and connect with other allies of climate protection.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Canvassers of the day in Pittsburgh!

Originally uploaded by Repower PA

Canvassers Jake and Amber hit the most doors with the greatest number of conversations during one of the Pittsburgh canvasses and scored this eco-logical water bottle as a thank you for their good efforts. Well done!

We're taking the message to the streets of rebuilding the U.S. economy one clean energy job at a time.

City of Champions Canvass!

Originally uploaded by Repower PA

As part of the first mobilization weekend of the Repower America campaign, Randi and Kyle head out to knock on doors as volunteers in Pittsburgh. The Pennsylvania team hit 997 doors in it first effort. Well done Pennsylvania!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mobilization Weekend in Pennsylvania (July 18 & 19)

Volunteers will be out knocking on doors in Pennsylvania this weekend, talking to average Pennsylvanians about the benefits of a energy economy built around clean, renewable energy and green jobs.

We're looking for volunteers to report to one of seven canvasses being held this weekend across the state of Pennsylvania. For details on each canvass, including times and staging locations, follow the links below. We hope to see you there!

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Going Green this Summer

Having a tough time navigating the new "go green" landscape. Don't be discouraged. This is a growing field with new resources available every day. Here's the latest from the cable channel devoted to promoting a green lifestyle: Green American Summer

The site includes food and beverage tips, Patriotism 2.0, and a games and quizzes to to test your knowledge of all things green.

The site also includes a video collection from Planet Green's programming lineup. A winner that you should check out now.

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Can you complete this Energy Independence quiz?

Consumer Revolution 6-30 pics 001
Originally uploaded by Repower PA

1. What document is celebrated on Fourth of July every year in America?
a. The U.S. Constitution
b. The Bill of Rights
c. The Declaration of Independence
d. The White Album

2. In what year did the American colonies declare their independence from Great Britain?
a. 1812
b. 1776
c. 1482
d. 1982

3. Which of the following men was NOT an original signer to the Declaration?
a. Benjamin Franklin
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. John Adams
d. Dick Clark

4. Where was the Declaration signed?
a. Philadelphia, PA
b. New York, NY
c. Washington, DC
d. Omaha, Nebraska

5. How many barrels of crude oil does the United States consume every single day?
a. 4 million
b. 10 million
c. 12 million
d. 20 million

6. Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, make up how much of the U.S.’s total annual energy production?
a. 1%
b. 8%
c. 15%
d. 20%

7. How much power is wasted every year in your house by items that are plugged in but not being used, such as cell phone chargers, DVD players, microwaves, and other electronics on standby?
a. 1%
b. 10%
c. 13%
d. 20%

8. Which nation was home to the inventors of the wind turbine, solar cell, and modern hydro-electric power?
a. Japan
b. China
c. Germany
d. United States

9. What nation was the first to pursue and complete an “energy independence strategy?”
a. United States
b. Great Britain
c. China
d. Brazil

10. What nation or region of the world currently leads the world in renewable energy production?
a. China
b. United States
c. Europe
d. Russia

Answer key

Friday, July 3, 2009

Erie declares its Energy Independence

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Repower America was in Erie yesterday at Erie Downtown's block party. See what the Flagship City had to say about Energy Independence!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Energy independence week in Western PA

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Energy independence week is upon us. On Tuesday, Repower America organizers took to the streets of Pittsburgh with an "Energy Independence Quiz" with questions ranging from "On the fourth of July we celebrate the signing of which document?" to "how many barrels of crude oil does the United States consume every day?" Participants were then asked to sign a declaration of energy independence, in which they promise to pay attention to their energy consumption, and try to reduce it.

Energy Independence activities will continue for the next week or so, at events and public places in Pittsburgh, Erie and Midland. A number of activists are also hosting their own Green Picnics and Green Barbeques, with an eye to sustainability in these recreational activities, as well as talking at these gatherings about what we can do to reduce our energy consumption and overcome the Climate Crisis.

Answers to the Quiz

1. What document is celebrated on Fourth of July every year in America?

a. The U.S. Constitution

b. The Bill of Rights

c. The Declaration of Independence

d. The White Album

2. In what year did the American colonies declare their independence from Great Britain?

a. 1812

b. 1776

c. 1482

d. 1982

3. Which of the following men was NOT an original signer to the Declaration?

a. Benjamin Franklin

b. Thomas Jefferson

c. John Adams

d. Dick Clark

4. Where was the Declaration signed?

a. Philadelphia, PA

b. New York, NY

c. Washington, DC

d. Omaha, Nebraska

5. How many barrels of crude oil does the United States consume every single day?[1]

a. 4 million

b. 10 million

c. 12 million

d. 20 million

6. Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, make up how much of the U.S.’s total annual energy production?[2]

a. 1%

b. 8%

c. 15%

d. 20%

7. How much power is wasted every year in your house by items that are plugged in but not being used, such as cell phone chargers, DVD players, microwaves, and other electronics on standby?[3]

a. 1%

b. 10%

c. 13%

d. 20%

8. Which nation was home to the inventors of the wind turbine, solar cell, and modern hydro-electric power?

a. Japan

b. China

c. Germany

d. United States

9. What nation was the first to pursue and complete an “energy independence strategy?”

a. United States

b. Great Britain

c. China

d. Brazil

10. What nation or region of the world currently leads the world in renewable energy production?[4]

a. China

b. United States

c. Europe

d. Russia

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