Thursday, June 25, 2009

A House Vote Nears, Activists Make "Last Call"

The Clean Energy Jobs plan, HR 2454, is on the verge of coming to the floor for final passage. We need your help to make sure it gets through the House of Representatives. Come join us Friday from 4 - 7pm for a BYOC (Bring your own cell) Phone Bank at Schenley Plaza, 4100 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, under the tent as we call Repower members in targeted districts, asking them to put the heat on their Representatives. Lemonade, fresh produce, and quarters for meters will be provided to volunteers.

Al Gore Testifies To House Committee On Clean Energy Security Act

Opponents of the bill - devoid of any new ideas - have resorted to making up their own facts and statistics about the bill's impacts. Here's the truth: Clean energy isn't a tax on consumers; it's a boom to our economy by finally unlocking the potential of the green energy sector. Most consumers who don't take a single step to use energy more wisely will see their price of energy increase by about the cost of a postage stamp a day. But consumers who are wise and work to conserve energy and use it more efficiently will actually see reductions in their energy bills because this bill makes efficiency and conservation more achievable for average consumers.
This is the first-ever vote by the U.S. Congress to cap carbon dioxide emissions. The bill also invests in green jobs and clean energy by setting a national renewable energy porfolio standard and sets goals for the development of a Smart Electricty Grid - one that reduces waste and excess.

"The whole world is looking at our capital. The whole world is waiting to see whether or not president Obama can arrive in Coppenhagen as leader of the attempt to reduce green house gases while at the same time unleashing a clean energy job revolution in our country and on our planet," said Congressman Ed Markey at a press conference Wednesday.

And Tuesday, President Obama called on the Congress to pass The American Clean Energy and Security Act. This is the historic change we can believe in. This is the change we need to make now if we are are avert global climate catastrophe. This is your moment. Will you join us to make history?

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